Way To Achieve Successful Company Teambuilding

employee recognition kudos app slack employee engagement


Recent discussions on LinkedIn about the dynamic development of employee benefits have sparked a deep reflection on how traditional non-wage benefits affect virtual team-building activities. Whether traditional non-wage benefits, corporate events, and virtual team-building activities traditionally seen as a complement to salary, still serve their intended purpose in today's evolving corporate environment. Therefore, for HR focused on effective remote team building questions have emerged regarding their effectiveness:

  • Do these benefits genuinely motivate team remote employees and sustain that motivation over time?

  • Do they enhance the company's attractiveness to both current remote team members and potential new hires?

  • Have these benefits become so ingrained and expected that they are now considered mandatory offerings in every modern company, especially in virtual team-building activities?

Furthermore, what innovative changes should be made to the resources allocated for benefits to ensure they attract and inspire employees and help with remote team building, thereby regaining their significance as a motivational tool?

The role of NFTs in Employee Recognition and virtual team-building

Kudos as a motivational tool

The concept of "kudos" is becoming increasingly popular among HR professionals. "Kudos" offers an opportunity for motivational activities and team building. Such activities will allow the team remote to feel satisfaction and contentment as they implement their ideas.

We welcome Generation Z into the workforce—a group known for its strong emphasis on independence, creativity, constant desire for new experiences, and enthusiasm for unique challenges. Generation Z prefers remote working and as members of a remote team, they favor virtual meetings such as virtual coffee, online classes and games, or video conferences. "Kudos" leverages these preferences to better build a remote team and make the remote workplace more attractive to the employee. An integral part of "Kudos" is the improved well-being of the recipient, which team collaboration according to contemporary team-building philosophy is expected to lead to a better atmosphere, and consequently, greater motivation and efficiency at work for team building.

NFT Reality Kudos

Few applications on the market utilize the concept of "Kudos" to build a culture of gratitude, internal communication within a company, a culture of recognition, and feedback culture.

The innovative NFT application, "Reality KUDOS", developed by the Mobile Reality team and based on the concept of "Kudos", represents a significant leap towards building a team as a cool squad. The application has been integrated as a plugin for the widely used web platform, the SLACK messenger, and soon, Microsoft Teams.

This tool is designed to enrich the benefits offered by any company that cares about making its employees feel like team colleagues. It not only serves as a significant enhancement to employee benefits but also utilizes clear rules and elements of gamification. This effectively maintains a high level of motivation within the team and provides the opportunity for effective team building.

The Slack messenger enables video chat which allows employees to have conversations, and the additional installation of the NFT application, "Reality KUDOS", acts like an ice-breaking game. Such virtual activity for members of a virtual team strengthens team spirit and boosts team morale.

Digital Tokens as symbols of achievement

This advanced tool for employee recognition revolutionizes the traditional act of giving kudos by allowing employees to express their appreciation through a unique, interactive experience. Rather than relying solely on verbal affirmations like "You're great" or "Keep doing that," employees can now present their colleagues with digital tokens. Each token is a unique digital artwork meticulously created by Mobile Reality’s graphic designers specifically for your company, symbolizing the team's shared values and ethos. These distinct digital rewards, each marked with the company's logo, serve as tokens of appreciation and enduring symbols of achievement and belonging within the corporate culture.

Motivational tool for corporate team and remote virtual team building

Studies show that most adults are working, but only about 48% of them are motivated. Among them are also people who earn really good money, leading to the conclusion that salary alone does not guarantee employee effectiveness. Here is where the NFT Reality KUDOS application comes into play, influencing sustained employee motivation.

Activity ideas

The operation of the NFT Reality KUDOS application significantly enhances work motivation and raises the level of employee satisfaction and contentment. This is because it taps into several motivational factors that are often more influential than salary alone. For instance, recognition and validation, key components of the NFT KUDOS system, fulfill a basic human need for acknowledgment and appreciation, factors known to strongly influence motivation and job satisfaction.

Slack and NFT Reality Kudos

Moreover, the unique NFT Reality KUDOS application developed by Mobile Reality, which integrates with the widely-used Slack messenger and will soon be available on Microsoft Teams, perfectly complements a company's extensive benefits system.

It adds a distinctive layer of recognition that transcends traditional monetary rewards. By incorporating clear operational rules and elements of gamification, it effectively maintains high motivation levels within teams. Such features make it not just another benefit but a central component of an organization’s strategy to enhance workplace morale and employee engagement. This method of recognizing achievements like virtual team building games ensures employees feel valued and motivated to continue performing at their best, fostering a productive and harmonious workplace environment.

Remote teams and building activities

Personal and professional development

The NFT Reality KUDOS program stands out as a potent motivator for employees who desire to enhance their character and embrace new challenges in their professional lives. The mere opportunity for talent development, facilitated by the NFT Reality KUDOS application, helps sustain personal growth by providing regular acknowledgment in the form of kudos aligned with your company's core values, such as being a facilitator, supporter, leader, motivator, or seeker. Notably, the recognition doesn’t need to come exclusively from a manager but can also be given by colleagues, fostering a more collaborative and supportive work environment and remote team building. This peer recognition is particularly effective in boosting morale and encouraging personal development for online teams, as employees feel valued by their superiors and peers.

Token collection

The application enhances this experience by offering words of praise and awarding a unique digital token that can be added to an employee’s growing "token collection." This tangible representation of achievement adds a layer of satisfaction and accomplishment. Furthermore, practices including a points system allow employees to assess their self-development progress within the company quantitatively.

These points can accumulate, offering further incentives for employees to continue developing their skills and contributions. This system recognizes current achievements and fosters ongoing engagement and development, making it a comprehensive tool for enhancing employee motivation and satisfaction.

What is essential for a remote team to integrate? The operation rules of NFT Reality KUDOS allow for team building in enclosed spaces, shaping proper employee relations.

Money values

What impact does NFT Reality KUDOS have on this? It is one of the most critical factors for our employees.

Way to multiply

Well, each of us wants to be well compensated, we don't want to live "from first to first", we want to earn enough to pursue our passions and dreams and have more than anything besides work.

NFT Reality KUDOS shows that earning is not just a monthly salary, but the opportunity to multiply your earnings through investing and collecting. Especially since in the IT industry, Mobile Reality was recognized by Clutch as the best app development company in the field of art, entertainment, and music in Poland!

Organization and unique tokens

The NFT Reality KUDOS application in the future using Blockchain Technology allows an employee to create a virtual gallery of their tokens - a way to earn. Unique tokens have value, and your employee can collect them. Employees can talk about their collections, and exchange tokens "kudos" just like a virtual book club works.

An employer can make your brand/logo a unique value, and its possession over time acquires value just like a work of art, only in the virtual world. The gallery is virtual, too - and this is the generation living on the Internet. Unique digital awards, branded with your company's logo that identify with your team's values.

Positive vibe

Good communication

There is nothing better for a remote worker than a good communicator, with an application that utilizes the idea of "Kudos". This undoubtedly has a significant impact on building proper communication among the company's employees who are creating virtual teams. The application with "Kudos" facilitates communication and collaboration and allows users to express their opinions about colleagues or superiors at least once a week. Remote employees build a better atmosphere in this way. These regular activities promote a positive work environment and increase motivation and efficiency.

The direct and open nature of the communication facilitated by kudos is pivotal. Collaborative working creates room for the free expression of one's opinions. Short motivational assessments are conducive to dialogue among co-workers and virtual team building. Help in flattening corporate hierarchies. Sometimes this positive "construction activity" leads to their complete abolition. Regardless of position, remote workers have the right to receive and give a token, which democratizes the way recognition and feedback are given.

Building organizational culture

The "Kudos" concept utilized in the application NFT Reality KUDOS enables employees to feel more empowered and free to act within their roles, which helps build an organizational culture where personal values align closely with the company's values. This alignment increases the engagement of employees forming an online team, leading to more dedicated efforts to accomplish the company's objectives.

Considering that all team members spend about 8 hours a day at work, the quality of this time becomes crucial for everyone in the team. All activities aimed at building the team and its well-being bring measurable results. "Kudos" will make the remote team look forward to coming to work. Such team building, free from negativity and stress, positively affects not only professional but also personal life.

Kudos In NFT Reality KUDOS plays a crucial role, providing moments of joy not just from receiving kudos but also from giving them. This exchange of positive affirmations helps maintain a vibrant, supportive atmosphere. If anyone forgets to participate, NFT Reality KUDOS sends a friendly reminder: "Hey! It's Friday already! Surely, the week was successful for you and your team. Think of who deserves the NFT kudos!" This ensures that no achievement goes unrecognized, continually nurturing a positive, connected workplace.

A feeling of decision-making

Opinion expression

Is there a better place to freely express your opinion than an application with "Kudos" such as NFT Reality KUDOS? In this innovative system, the power of choice rests entirely in the hands of the user.

It is the team members who decide which "Kudos" from a wide range of kudos to award to their group colleagues, manager, or employer.

This autonomy in decision-making strengthens virtual team building at all levels. Team members are encouraged to adopt a more democratic form of recognition in the workplace. The kudos application enhances the sense of personal value and impacts the group's culture in the workplace, allowing participants to choose whom to appreciate with a kudos remotely. It's the perfect virtual team building activity.

Egalitarian environment

The ability to grant virtual team building strengthening kudos across hierarchical boundaries transforms traditional power dynamics, fostering a more inclusive and egalitarian environment. This freedom significantly enhances employees' connection to their work and each other, reinforcing the value of every team member's contributions. The diversity of kudos options ensures that remote team can tailor their acknowledgments to the specific achievements or qualities they wish to commend, making each token of appreciation both meaningful and personal.

Moreover, choosing who team members recognize and for what reasons encourages employees to be more observant and appreciative of their peers' daily contributions. This deepens staff relationships and builds a virtual team and supportive network that transcends conventional top-down recognition systems. In a setting activity where virtual team building activities matter every, voice has the power to shape the narrative of success and teamwork, the entire organization stands to benefit from increased morale and a stronger, more cohesive work culture.


Not only ranking

Proper actions for building relationships and healthy competition in a remote team are not an easy task. Kudos applications such as NFT Reality KUDOS utilize the capabilities of awarding point values to Kudos.

Weekly point rankings elevate the prestige and importance of individuals within the company. Team members highlight important events and activities. The notion that everyone can attain a high ranking naturally boosts morale, emphasizing each person's competence and dedication to self-improvement.

Striving for success not only motivates but also rewards, as the journey towards achievement, is heralded with appropriate kudos and scoring, yielding measurable and genuine satisfaction for the virtual team.

This system of virtual team building creates a competitive yet friendly environment where employees are encouraged to excel and support one another in their professional growth. As individuals climb the rankings, they not only gain recognition from their peers but also bolster their self-esteem, knowing their efforts are acknowledged and valued by the team.

Transparent culture

The rankings also serve as a public acknowledgment of an employee's contributions and skills, enhancing their reputation within the company. This visibility can lead to greater career advancement and professional development opportunities, as those who consistently perform well are more likely to be considered for promotions and special projects. Moreover, the public nature of these rankings fosters a transparent culture where achievements are openly celebrated, further encouraging a meritocratic atmosphere. As employees see their names rise in the weekly rankings, they feel a stronger connection to the company's goals and are motivated to continue pushing their limits.

Work organization, stability, and security


Kudos applications such as the NFT Reality KUDOS application, engage the remote team and all employees of the organization. Instills a sense of security and satisfaction, particularly beneficial in remote for virtual team building activities. Employees are motivated not only by the nature of their work but also by the recognition they receive through KUDOS and work like top team.

In a world where work is just one of many life elements, activities this form of gamification enriches the remote workday, making it more engaging and enjoyable. The sense of inclusion and appreciation that KUDOS provides helps mitigate feelings of isolation or disconnection that can sometimes occur in non-traditional working environments.

KUDOS as a stabilizing factor

Furthermore, this system contributes to a structured and stable work environment by regularly recognizing and rewarding employee achievements. Such recognition for remote teams is crucial in maintaining high levels of employee engagement and productivity, especially when physical office interactions are limited.

The stability comes from knowing that efforts are consistently observed and valued, giving employees and team members a clear understanding of how their work contributes to the broader company objectives. This clarity and consistency in expectations and rewards foster a secure working environment where employees feel confident in their roles and optimistic about their career paths.

Additionally, the security afforded by NFT Reality KUDOS extends beyond emotional and psychological benefits. By creating an environment where employees are regularly motivated and engaged, companies can achieve higher retention rates. Employees are less likely to seek alternative employment when they feel valued and part of a supportive and rewarding company culture. The integration of KUDOS into daily work life acts as a stabilizing factor, enhancing overall job satisfaction and loyalty, which are essential for sustaining a skilled and motivated workforce in any organization.

Employee Benefits for Generation Z

Generation Z is distinct in their diverse passions, which often stretch beyond their professional fields. To effectively motivate them, companies must consider innovative rewards and meetings that cater to their interests. And it is not a benefit from the field of physical activity or other events.

Points for various activities

The NFT Reality KUDOS platform can be an excellent tool, offering points that can be exchanged for personal perks such as movie tickets, corporate team events, vacation discounts, outdoor events, or gym memberships. This flexibility in rewards demonstrates a company’s support for the holistic well-being of its employees, encouraging them to integrate their work and personal lives more seamlessly. By aligning benefits with the unique lifestyles and interests of Generation Z, companies can foster a deeper connection and loyalty, which translates into increased productivity and satisfaction at work.

Personalized benefits

Offering such personalized benefits not only meets their desires but also positions the company as a forward-thinking and inclusive workplace. It shows a commitment to supporting employees in a way that goes beyond the workplace, enhancing their overall quality of life. This approach can be particularly effective in attracting and retaining young talent who value personal development and well-being as much as professional growth.

Recognition and respect in modern workplace communication

Creation of custom categories

Although NFT Reality KUDOS cannot replace the influence of a charismatic leader who, through the power of partnership, impacts virtual team building, it enhances the management process with its innovative style of communication and openness. The application facilitates a new way of expressing acknowledgment and respect, essential for meeting the expectations of newer generations in the workforce. It allows for the creation of custom categories such as Supportive, Involvement, Communication, Leader, Warrior, and Researcher, reflecting the unique values and culture of a company. In this way, the virtual team creates a self-motivating leading remote team.

Good feedback

Within this system, managers, team leaders, and peers can give feedback and recognition that genuinely resonate with recipients, potentially boosting morale and motivation. It is crucial, however, that all recognitions delivered through the platform are sincere and meaningful. When employees receive genuine appreciation in the form of both words and tokens, it not only affirms their value to the team but also encourages continuous improvement and loyalty to the company. This method of personalized and frequent recognition helps in building a culture of respect and acceptance, making employees feel truly part of a cohesive group. Team bonding is created. Bringing effective actions and virtual team building activities.

Enhancing workplace engagement through innovative rewards


Innovative rewards are more than just tools for employee satisfaction, and bespoke events —they are a fundamental component of modern HR strategies to enhance workplace engagement. Companies that adapt to incorporate systems like NFT Reality KUDOS into their rewards and recognition programs show a commitment to understanding and fulfilling the evolving needs of their workforce. These rewards, which go beyond traditional compensation, play a crucial role in ensuring that employees feel valued not just for their output but also as individuals with unique needs and preferences.


By integrating such innovative systems, businesses can create a more dynamic and appealing work environment. Create a space so that the team works like the best team and sees the results of their work as benefits for the team. This not only helps in attracting top talent but also in retaining them by continuously engaging their interests and passions. Ultimately, the goal is to foster an atmosphere where employees are eager to contribute their best, driven by intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. The NFT Reality KUDOS system exemplifies how integrating thoughtful, personalized rewards into a company’s culture can lead to a more motivated, satisfied, and productive workforce.


Each company develops its methods of motivation, aimed at increasing engagement so that members of your team which means the whole team comes to work full of enthusiasm, innovation, and positive energy. The NFT Reality KUDOS application is a unique tool for modern HR and every company caring about the well-being of employees should consider implementing it. By doing so, they can ensure that their workforce remains vibrant, engaged, and aligned with the company’s goals, ultimately contributing to individual and organizational success. Such corporate entertainment provides an opportunity to experience something similar to the Olympic Games.

Exploring the HR Industry: Insights and Innovations

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